Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lazy Oaf x Batman Women Newest Fashion Collection 2012

We’ve had our childhood marked by the superhero craze and it seems that things are not changing in adulthood either as the upcoming ‘ The Dark Knight Rises’ superhero movie has caused quite a stir reaching out from the movie scene and landing straight into fashion. Batman’s style and logo are coming back in full force, influencing the fashion scene as UK based label Lazy Oaf has just unveiled its latest collection for the summer of 2012 titled obviously: Lazy Oaf x Batman.Designers have always placed a heavy accent on individuality and it seems that this requirement has never been made more visible than now. Lazy Oaf x Batman chose to underline style and uniqueness by overlapping vintage designs with contemporary sexiness and by pushing this combo towards a mysterious edginess through the bat silhouette prints, Batman’s trademark.The unique, fun and fantastic style that dominates the collection makes it irresistible for the ladies that are not trend followers yet trend setters, and yes ladies, you want to fall into the second category if you want to be unique and stand out from the crowd.
Lazy Oaf x Batman Women Newest Fashion (1)
Lazy Oaf x Batman Women Newest Fashion (2)
Lazy Oaf x Batman Women Newest Fashion (3)

Lazy Oaf x Batman Women Newest Fashion (4)
Lazy Oaf x Batman Women Newest Fashion (5)
Lazy Oaf x Batman Women Newest Fashion (6)

Lazy Oaf x Batman Women Newest Fashion (7)
Lazy Oaf x Batman Women Newest Fashion (8)
Lazy Oaf x Batman Women Newest Fashion (9)

Mixing and matching these high-impact street-wear garments that either mimic a bat-like silhouette or a cool batman-logo print can help you step out of your ‘clean’ wardrobe and help you get a little bit more ‘dirty’. Fashion is supposed to be fun and these garments capture the essence of fashion perfectly without neglecting the need for quality designs, so revamp your summer wardrobe by having a nosey in the brand’s newest designs and picking up your favorite Lazy Oaf x Batman fashion items.
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