Monday, May 27, 2013

Health Benefits Of Orange Juice

Benefits Of Orange Juice
  • Orange juice contains a high amount of vitamin C which is helpful in boosting up the immune system. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that cannot be synthesized by the human body.
    • Healthy Orange juice contains hesperidin, a water soluble plant pigment that serves to improve the activity of small blood vessels and blood pressure.
    • If you eat a meal that is high in fat and carbs and have fear of inflammation, a glass of healthy orange juice can decrease the inflammation and reduces the risk of diabetes and heart diseases.
    • Orange juice contains lemonades which helps to fight against cancer of mouth, lungs, breast, skin and stomach.
    • Daily consumption of healthy orange juice lowers the chances of flu, cold and recurrent ear infections and improves diastolic blood pressure.
    • Orange juice is an important antioxidant that helps in preventing breast and prostate cancer.  This is a substance that reduces harmful effects of free radicals that cause early aging and tissue damage. It also helps to reduce weight.
    • Orange juice contains foliatewhich plays essential role in the reproduction of new cells and helps in healing process.
    • Orange juice improves blood circulation in body and reduces heart diseases.
    • Orange juice contains high amount of potassiumthat is an essential nutrient for body.
    • Regular consumption of orange juice leads to decrease in the level of low density lipoprotein cholesterol in patients with high cholesterol level.
    • Women who drink orange juice daily have reduced risk of calcium oxalate stone formation.
    • It reduces constipation and diarrhea in those people who have bowel syndrome due to its acidic nature.
    • Fibers are found in pulpy orange juice that keep sugar level under control, grab cancer causing chemicals and are also good for diabetes.
    • People who take one glass of orange juice daily have 25 % less chances of peptic ulcer.
    • It plays role in fitness by burning the fat and losing unwanted weight. It lowers blood pressure level and high cholesterol level that are common problems in middle aged men and women.
     look younger, fresh and beautiful. 
    • Orange juice is enriched with vitamin C that is very helpful in improving skin color and texture.
    • It detoxifies your skin. If you want to look brighter and fresh, then you must add orange juice to your daily meal. It helps you in preventing wrinkles.
    • It contains collagen that slows skin aging process and clear skin blemishes.
    • Yummy orange juice gives shining and volume to your hair.
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