Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Kardashians Eyewear Line Celebrity Style

You’d be tempted to think that the Kardashians have already done every fashion-related endorsement under the sun. But you’d be wrong. They haven’t done eyewear…until now. Oh yes, you read that right. The well known trio has done it again. They partnered with Sears for a Kardashian Kollection – eyewear edition. Never mind the handbag copyright infringement scandal and lawsuit threat from last year. But has that ever stopped them? Never, so they’re back in the game.The new project was announced by the sisters themselves who wanted to share the joy with the fans. The first one to share the joy was Khloe who wrote on her blog: “Hey dolls! What do you think of this new pic of me and my sisters rocking Kardashian Kollection eyewear with some of our new lace items?! I love it! I’m so excited about the launch of our eyewear line – be sure to check out all the styles in Sears Optical stores.”Kim, on the other hand, was so overjoyed that she didn’t even request fan feedback when sharing the news and just shared her hope to have fans as excited as she was: “Love this pic of me and my sisters in our new lace line for our Kardashian Kollection for Sears and our glasses for Sears Optical! I hope you guys like the new pieces. Lace is so feminine and pretty and it’s always in style!”Of course they are the ones to showcase the new goodies, especially when they also manage to bring attention to their new Lace dress range, which is also sold at Sears. The look has a fairly distinguishable nerdy vibe, which is an interesting perspective for them. Sexy ’80s inspired librarian look? Check. Kute? You tell us.
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kardashian Collection eyewear 2
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