Monday, March 11, 2013

Fight Face Puffiness Tips

  • Make sure you keep yourself hydrated because dehydration also causes face puffiness. So just make sure you drink around 8 glasses of water which is one of the very important face puffiness care tips.
    • One thing which you also have to make sure that you have to control your sodium intake and set it to a limit which should be around 2,000mg. An increased amount of sodium is also the cause of face puffiness because of fluid retention.
    • Exercise, exercise and exercise. It always sets things straight. Regular exercise is always important.
  • When you are about to sleep just raise your head up a bit. It will be helpful in getting rid of the puffiness. Just use an extra pillow or a cushion.
    • Another face puffiness tip is to wash your face with cold water. It will you reduce the puffiness.
    • Drinks lots of water.
    • Lower your salt intake.
    • Face puffiness care tips also include tips for eyes which always the same and the usual cucumber slices. Just grab two slices and put them on your eyes for about 10 to 15 minutes.
    • Some makeup products sometimes do not agrees with your skin and may cause the swelling. Discard those products at the first sign of the face puffiness.
    • To reduce the puffiness you can also try the cold treatment which is just taking a small piece of cloth which should be clean. Put a couple of ice cubes in it and press them on your puffy face.
    • It is always best to get yourself checked up by your doctor. Sometimes medicine like anti-inflammatory medicine has to be taken to reduce the puffiness.
    • Another one of the face puffiness care tips is considered very useful which drinking green tea is. Green tea contains anti-oxidants which help to get rid of face puffiness.
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