Staying strong in each pose keeps muscles fired the entire time, and transitioning from pose to pose activates other muscles we don’t often use, helping to tone every inch. This routine builds strength, too—you’ll definitely notice the difference the next time you bike, hike, or just take the stairs. Go through the sequence 8 to 10 times (or until you really feel the burn) 3 to 5 times a week for the ultimate transformation.How to do it:
1. Stand with feet together. Exhale as you push hips back to squat down, as if sitting in a chair.At the same time, lift arms up toward your ears, holding palms together, fingers pointing toward the ceiling.2. Keeping abs strong, inhale and step right foot back, turning toes out to 45 degrees. Your left knee stays bent, positioned directly above your ankle.3. Exhale, opening your arms, hips, and torso to the side. (Turn your right foot out a little more, if needed.)4. Inhale as you lift your back heel, turning your toes, hips, and torso forward, and raising your arms up alongside your ears (keep shoulders down) so hands are directly above shoulders with palms facing in.5. Exhale, stepping right foot forward to return to Chair squat. Repeat sequence on opposite side.
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