Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Beautiful Scarve Muslim Girls Fashion Style New Trends

Scarves are the important part of Islamic culture and society. In past days only Muslim girls and ladies were used scarves but now it is fashion especially in winter season. The fall/winter season is coming and it is time for buying fashion Scarves. These Scarves are warm-keeping and also fashion trend so non-Muslim girls use it. But Muslim girls use scarves for the purpose of pardah; they wrap scarf around their head. Sometimes Muslim girls wear it with abaya and mostly girls wear duppata with scarf.In the recent market, not only traditional long shape Scarves, but also thicker super long style and stylish shawl style Scarves are available. The long size Scarves are liked by European women. They feel happy to wear a warm scarf around their necks layer upon layer. Now these scarves are available in different beautiful colors, styles and designs especially in Islamic countries. Black, white and brown color scarves are liked by mostly Muslim girls.

Beautiful Scarf for Women

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